Quick Notes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I assume you are already using LORD FX so I will not repeat 99% of what I've already said concerning Waves, etc. etc. If not LORD FX is not required to use the fixed lnetrip.dat and rip users will not even know there is sound (unless they already are using it... then they'll hear it!) Simply replace the existing LNETRIP.DAT with the LNETRIP.14 Even if you don't want sound my lnetrip.fx fixes all the messed up RIP screens that are in the original! Fixes all commands as of LNET14K! (For LNET12x use the LNETRIP.12) (rename to LNETRIP.FX to LNETRIP.DAT) and you're done! I will be working on the color corrections for the RIP 2.2 Icons, though the altered pallete is not a major distraction... -------------3-21-97-------------------------------- The RIP 2.2 Icons (LRIPICN2.ZIP) should be available for download for RIPterm 2+ users. Pallete conversions with color corrections. -----------------------------------------------------